What The Fuck Am I Doing with work? As women continue to occupy even more space in the workforce — and as they also continue to occupy generally the same amount of space in the home, even if they work outside of it as well — the fact of the matter is: women be workin'. In the first episode of Season 3, Maddie and Esbee discuss the world of work, as two women who currently occupy it (albeit quite differently). Maddie struggles to figure out how to create better work-life balance between her business and her creative endeavors, while also juggling both her responsibilities to and desire to be with her family and have a life aside from all of that. On the other hand, Esbee worries about ever being able to retire, and dreams of potentially taking on a new role that allows her to flex the professional muscles she's built throughout the course of her career. They may not have any conclusive answers on the matter, but (as always) hope their discussion about the nebulous nature of being working women helps others wrestling with these same issues feel just a smidge less shitty about it :)
Episode 1: Work
Season 3
Oct 11, 2024
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Esbee Buchanan
Writes Esbee Buchanan Subscribe
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